April Newsletter 2021

A Special Happy Yappy Hour

By Dale Dauten

“Everyone thinks they have the best dog. And none of them are wrong.”

Author W.R. Purche

Leave it to Activities Director Sue Arneson to come up with a lighthearted new event that left everyone smiling: the first Silveridge Doggie Fair. Sue recruited Angie VanTassel to be her lead organizer and on March 16th, a spectacular Spring day, they attracted a cheerful crowd of four- and two-legged residents.

In the photo below, we see Sue welcoming everyone while sound guru, Rob Foy, helps with set up. (In the background is the table of door prizes that were later handed out. Not pictured was the sno-cone truck, sponsored by a local healthcare group, offering free refreshments.)

Photos: A closeup of one of the items on the giveaway table, and below that, Angie VanTassel with husband Mark and Klima Sunshine.

Everyone took turns introducing their special canine guests, including Linda Lindgren who brought a contender for oldest resident of Silveridge: Ally, a 17 year-old Min Pin, or 105 in human years. (That’s Steven Lindgren with Linda and Ally in the photo.)


After introductions and prizegiving, the crowd got to hear from new Silveridge resident Barb Henderson, who brought her blue heeler. Barb got everyone’s attention when introducing her dog: “This is Nikki. She saved my life twice.”

That’s because Nikki is a service dog, trained for diabetic events: “She can’t jump onto the bed,” Barb explained, “but she figured out how to pull the covers off.” She added, “The breed is known for being problem-solvers.”

It turns out that Nikki’s breed, the blue heeler, has become popular for service dogs. They come from Australia, where they were breed for cattle herding. (“Blue heeler” is technically a nickname for the Australian Cattle Dog. The dogs nip at the heels of cattle, hence the “heeler” in the name, while the “blue” comes from their unique blue-gray coats. There is also a “red heeler.”)

Nikki’s work isn’t just keeping up with Barb: “Back home in Colorado Springs we have chickens and she herds them – that’s her other job.” Not to mention the problem-solving and herding that in keeping track of Barb’s ten grandkids when they visit.

Barb didn’t buy Nikki as a trained service dog, but did the training herself, saying, “Nikki has been in training since she was eight weeks old.” And Barb has been working with dogs for much of her life, including military and police dogs.

The good news for Silveridge residents is that Barb and Nikki, along with her recently retired husband, Mike, will be returning next season and Barb is planning to offer training classes.



Silveridge dog lovers gather in the late afternoon for conversation and canine visits. It’s come to be known as YAPPY HOUR, starting at 4PM in the big dog park. Angie VanTassel credits it with having given her a source of trusted information: “When we moved in, we started going to the dog park. It’s for humans too. It’s where I learned about the neighborhood, like where the best grocery stores are. It’s a great way to meet people.”


Putting together this article, we learned a couple of interesting facts:  

  • The Guinness record for oldest known dog old is “Bluey,” an Australia Cattle Dog from Australia, who lived to be 29 years and 5 months.


  • The expression “dog days of summer” didn’t originate with hounds lying about in the heat. No, it’s a specific period – July 3rd to August 11th – when Sirius, the “Dog Star” of the Canis Major, is seen in the vicinity of the sun. The ancient Romans believed that this added to the sun’s heat to create the year’s hottest season.

Farewell to our 2020-2021 Season

Message From Sue

Most of us have to agree that we are happy to put this year behind us! The Covid pan-demic brought many changes and challenges. The good news is that we survived! When-ever we go through difficult times, I try to look back and recognize what I have learned from these times.

“ Faith Over Fear” was the title of my summer message. At the time of that writing, it became evident that Covid was not going away soon and it would alter our activities. Most of our Canadian friends and some Americans were not returning for the season.

So we set a plan in motion. “Safety First “ became our motto. All of our leaders set in place safety rules. Sanitize, face masks and social distancing became our mantra! We received an A rating from the Maricopa Food Inspection and were told that we could have 50% capacity in our ballroom! Having faith that we could still have activities, we stepped up to the plate with food functions, entertainment and club activities.

The Ticket Order List was redone several times and shows were modified to accommodate the number of people attending. I added some fun outdoor activities like the “Doggie Fair,” the Dicken’s Carolers,” more Poolside Happy Hours, “On the Green” music events and food trucks.

Here is what I have learned:

  • You were happy that we had activities at all! It was your decision if you felt comfortable attending the events. Most of our entertainment events had over 100 residents attending!
  • Go Local. I found good entertainment here in the valley. Entertainers were thankful to be working and they were happy to negotiate a fair price.
  • Know that “this too shall pass.” Abound in Hope, asking for God’s protection.
  • Change is inevitable. It forces us to get out of our comfort zone. We have to be ready to take precautions and realize what is important in our lives; family, friends, and our faith.

As I write my final message of the season, Sharon and I are putting together a bang-up year of entertainment! We have 16 dances, dinner shows, a Bee Gees and Carol King tribute, and Johnny Cash and Company Concert. I have the Marlin Brothers (4 brothers who play 100 instruments!) and 2 Christmas shows! This is just a sampling of the many events I have planned for you!

Watch for my summer message and Ticket Order List. We will have Pre– Ordering again so you can get your groups together and pick your seats.

What a fun-filled year it will be. 2021-2022 Here we Come!! May your summer be safe and filled with pleasant and precious memories.


SCTC Exploring New Options for Next Season


Silvercom Computer & Technology Club–SCTC has taken a “time out” from in-person meetings this season due to the pandemic. The club’s Board of Directors along with input from previous seasons’ members is exploring new options for their 2021-2022 season with ideas that reflect the changing times.


Compared to 5 or 10 years ago, fewer people are buying their first computer and more people now have smart phones, tablet computers, etc. Technology is blooming and seniors increasingly want to learn more about topics like 5G Internet, wearable technology for better health, ditching cable and/or satellite TV and instead are streaming much of the TV they watch.


SCTC welcomes residents who would like to begin each week with a fun Monday morning meeting that enriches their knowledge about today’s technology. Our season begins in November and you may expect to receive an invitation in your PO Box to be a part of our exciting club.


Pres. Carol Folker joins me in wishing everyone a happy and healthy summer with the hope that when you return to Silveridge next season, Covid will be in the rearview mirror. If you have a question about today’s technology or would like to know more about SCTC, please send me an email at deweykloos@gmail.com .


DuWayne “Dewey” Kloos, SCTC VP