Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the country. It’s a cross between tennis, table tennis, racquetball and badminton, and it can be enjoyed by all age groups, and played at many different levels. It’s played on a court the size of a badminton court with a small paddle and a whiffle ball.
The health benefits of pickleball include weight loss, lower blood pressure, and increased stamina. It is a natural progression for tennis and racquetball players who wa.nt to continue playing a net sport without the physical stress of those two activities on the knees and other joints.
We have four Pickleball courts, and we have organized play during the week including round robin format for skill level groups and clinics on Saturdays. Pickleball is addictive! Please come, join the group, make new friends, and have some fun! Visit silveridgepickleball.com for information about our active Silveridge Pickleball Club.