September 2024 Newsletter


Special Edition: Ticket Order Form Included

You’ll find it, along with Seating Charts, after the interview with AD Lu Way

“Life Starts All Over Again”

The New Season at Silveridge

A Visit with Activities Director Lu Way

By Dale Dauten

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald, “The Great Gatsby”

We wanted to talk with Activities Director Lu Way about the upcoming season at Silveridge, but given that it’s been two seasons now that she has been heading up the Activities program, we started by getting her to look back and reminisce about the park and the job. Here’s what she had to say…


What surprised you about the job — good or bad?

Two things. First, I was shocked at how busy I am each day. I rarely have 5 minutes where I’m not talking with a resident, answering an email, or talking on the phone. I can remember my first summer I had created the basics for the monthly newsletters and the PowerPoint slides for the season while I was home in Illinois. I remember being very concerned about what I was going to do each day. I was thinking I’d be bored silly. Boy was I wrong. I didn’t have a clue. I am busy from the moment I arrive in my office in the morning until I close the door to go home. I really had no clue.


Second, how quickly the cost of entertainment increased. Now, it’s very hard to find great shows or concerts for under $5,000. That means we have to sell 167 tickets to break even. We lost money on a couple of concerts last year because we simply did not sell enough tickets. The higher entertainment prices make it very challenging to serve a meal too. So, we only have one dinner show a month because I simply can’t afford to provide a great show or concert AND a meal. Which makes me sad.


What’s your favorite memory?

It’s no secret that Country & Western music is not my favorite music genre. Before I sign a contract, I want to see the performance. So, I took Sheila Bishop with me to preview the Alabama tribute concert. Sheila is a good friend, and I can count on her to tell me if our residents will or will not like a group or a show. SO, I was really impressed with the Alabama tribute band. As we left, I told her how disappointed I was that they didn’t perform their signature song. Sheila looked at me intrigued and asked what song? I answered, “Sweet Home Alabama.” She looked at me and started to laugh. She pulled out her phone and played the song. She wanted to make sure I was talking about the same song. She then informed me the song was performed by Lynyrd Skynyrd. So, whenever I hear that song, I giggle and think back to that. moment.


Another favorite moment was seeing how busy the food trucks were. Activity directors at other parks had told me food trucks aren’t successful. They will never work. So, I was really nervous the first month we had the food trucks. Boy, was I shocked! We often have a steady crowd from about 11:30-1:00. The company that I work with, Food Truck Feeds, loves Silveridge! The vendors are successful, and I hear about how nice our residents are to them.


Is there an accomplishment you’re most proud of?

Again, I have two! First, I am very proud of the quality of entertainment we can offer while keeping our ticket prices the same. That’s very challenging.


My second accomplishment is upgrading the video and audio equipment in the ballroom. We can now project any performance on the stage on to the four tv monitors in the ballroom so there isn’t a bad seat at any of the concerts or dinner shows. (I couldn’t do it without Rob and Amy Foy’s expertise.) This has also allowed us to have larger audiences for special events like the Super Bowl and the “Yellowstone” premier in November. I’ve heard the bingo players also like our newer larger screens that are hung from the ceiling.


We asked Lu about her summer back in Illinois and we got her to send over some photos to share. Here are a few highlights, featuring Lu’s husband Ed and relatives…

Click the button below to view Lu’s Summer Photos

View Lu’s Summer Photos
Now, Lu, looking ahead, you’ve sent over the new Ticket Order Form along with the Seating Chart for Concerts and another one for Events. Any advice we should pass along?


Please make sure to mention the ticket order form is for the entire 2024-2025 season. Prior to Covid, Sue Arneson used to release the whole ticket order form in summer. I decided to return to that practice this year. Also, the order envelopes should not be postmarked prior to September 1st, and payment must be enclosed in order for it to be processed.


Download Ticket Order Form
Download Concert Seating Chart
Download Table Floorplans